If one look carefully at the spelling of Kyoto , it appears that "Kyoto" is spelled in reversal to Japan's capital city - "Tokyo". Indeed, before the era of Edo (Tokyo) and Shogun Tokugawa, Kyoto was a capital of Japan. This period is the period of the western samurai's warlord supremacy over the easter warlord. One man turned this around - Ieyasu Tokugawa , the unifier of modern Japan.
[ The picture above is the Kiyomizu temple. The architechture is unique and very personal. Building material is wood and the structure is placed on the side of a hill. ]

Kyoto is proud to be the ancient capital of Japan. It houses numerous historical attractions which consists of photographic temples and shrines - Kiyomizu, Kinkakuji and Ginkakuji to name a few. One can also visit Kyoto Imperial Palace which was once the official residence of Japan Emperor before the Meiji Restoration in 1868.
[ The picture on the left is Kinkakuji or Golden Pavillion, in between the momiji leaves and tree]

The best time to visit Kyoto is in autumn. The period when the colour of momiji leaves turn to red. Fact is that, the colour does not have one single colour tone. It varies from pinkish, orange and yellowish. Only one caution ! Bear in mind, autumn is the period where many people( Japanese or foreigners alike) flocks at the tourist attraction places. We can have a hard time locating our family member if everyone moves individually his own direction.
[Picture on the right - Myself under a pink tree]
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