We went again to Ooarai Sun Beach to enjoy the small reptides of pacific ocean, albeit the weather forecast indicated scattered thunderstorm. Forecast being a forecast never meant to be truly believable, and it was proven that the day was nice and cloudy, thus blocking the summer sun from having a bite on our skin.
It costs us 1,000 yen for parking. The nice thing is that, they provide open-air plain-water shower, so we can rinse salty water from our back before going home. The not so nice thing, we have to walk for 100 metres to get to the beach spot. There are many spots of beach volleyball. And many restaurants . There are also a number of life-saver stations manned by people in orange clothing. It seems that the beach facilities closes at 4.30 pm...
Malisa enjoyed it well. The promise to bring her to a "water-recreation" venue is fulfilled. She seems wanting to go back again, but her ayah says in his heart ... no no no. Mikael was afraid of the waves. But once he familiarised himself with the "float" and the waves, he taught that the sea is his home !
It costs us 1,000 yen for parking. The nice thing is that, they provide open-air plain-water shower, so we can rinse salty water from our back before going home. The not so nice thing, we have to walk for 100 metres to get to the beach spot. There are many spots of beach volleyball. And many restaurants . There are also a number of life-saver stations manned by people in orange clothing. It seems that the beach facilities closes at 4.30 pm...
Malisa enjoyed it well. The promise to bring her to a "water-recreation" venue is fulfilled. She seems wanting to go back again, but her ayah says in his heart ... no no no. Mikael was afraid of the waves. But once he familiarised himself with the "float" and the waves, he taught that the sea is his home !
On the way back, we stopped over at a fish market. Bought squids and chopped stingray..it is cheaper than those sold in Kasumi or Marumo supermarket.. Interesting, the fish market also sells "baby sharks."

Duhh.. I am amazed with the samurai suit in the fish market.. Hopefully will get it one before I go home to Malaysia. It will cost, a minimum of RM 650.00 and with the katana sword.. it will be a perfect japan memorabilia.
Duhh.. I am amazed with the samurai suit in the fish market.. Hopefully will get it one before I go home to Malaysia. It will cost, a minimum of RM 650.00 and with the katana sword.. it will be a perfect japan memorabilia.
Saudara Radzian,
Eeuw..baby sharks? Even though I have this phobia for sharks, I still think it is unethical to eat them as they are endangered species. Do they (Japs) rear these sharks or are they fished from the ocean?
Say, did you get to witness whales being on sale too? Ikan paus buat masak lemak cili padi sedap ke? Hehehhe..
Saudari Ida,
It is beyond my knowledge whether they rear them or not. I think they fished them from the ocean.
It seems ethical but the Chinese loves shark-fin soup and I guess people eating it somewhere around the world.
Since baby shark does not have teeth long enough to bite a human,
in curiousity, I intend to buy baby shark for dinner but my wife was reluctant. So there goes the opportunity to try one of the delicacy..
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