Friday, July 18, 2008

Use VBA to find next empty Column in Excel Worksheet and enter user-input values to the column

I got this module correct by yesterday. It is quite useful for combining old data with new data.

This example assume next data to be entered are within the values of two parameters (1) "gender" and (2) "place". User needs to enter the data on the input box and the data will appears at the next empty colum in the worksheet. This codes also assume tha the worksheet has "title header in row 1".

Sub GetData3()
Dim NextColumn As Long
Dim Entry1 As String, Entry2 As String
Dim x As Long, y As Long

For x = 1 To 100

NextColumn = Cells(x + 1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column + 1

Entry1 = InputBox("Enter Place")
If Entry1 = "" Then Exit Sub
Entry2 = InputBox("Enter Gender")
If Entry2 = "" Then Exit Sub

Cells(x + 1, NextColumn) = Entry1
Cells(x + 1, NextColumn + 1) = Entry2

End Sub