As at tonight, only the first excel file has bugs.
I have runned my program in two other files and it works extremely well.. Yooo hoooo... at least I know that it is not my creation (or myself) the culprit to the programming problem.
Post August, I hope I could runned my merged data in neural network and works towards achieving a solution through mathematical theory of evidence.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
At last , it works !
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Bugs in Excel cells
I have been working in the summer. The VBA programs that I have created do help me to merge the data. The only problem is that the data is too large and sometimes Excel becomes too busy and does not respond.
There is another problem which is unrelated to be program. No other characters can exists in each cells inclusive of those hidden unseen characters. There are millions of cells in Excel.
I am encountering this problem at row no. 5762. There are another 1000 plus rows beneath that needs to be checked and merged ! So I will take some considerable time.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Condolences to Dr. Salim Sairan's Family
Dr. Salim is a person who is hard working, often at a lightning speed. Even many of the young engineers felt that it is difficult to catch-up with his command which needs immediate intention. Being an MD, Dr. Salim Sairan is a sort of leader who will be at the front line of charge in the battlefield, and always seen to be in command of the organisation.
His appetite for excellence pushed the organisation forward. Meetings were rapid in succession. His time isspent productively and vigorously. Perhaps, he worked too hard. How I wish that things could be better planned to reduce work stresses.
Today, when I called a colleaque in TNB Research, I was told that Dr. Salim has passed away after friday prayer, in his office on March, 28th. I think we have lost a great leader and I have lost the opportunity to meet him again after I have finished my studies.
For all good things that he has done I pray that Allah accepted his deeds, and forgive his sins.
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Art of Eating Sushi
One should try sushi when one is in Japan. The raw fish delicacies taste better in Japan than anywhere else . I guarantee that the fish is fresher in Japan. Even the soya sauce and wasabi taste better. For me, the tastiest fish is "salmon", most Japanese opted for "tuna".
I found this interesting video in youtube which I term as "The Art of Eating Sushi"
Enjoy it !
Sunday, August 3, 2008
Kyoto - Western Capital of Japan
[ The picture above is the Kiyomizu temple. The architechture is unique and very personal. Building material is wood and the structure is placed on the side of a hill. ]

[ The picture on the left is Kinkakuji or Golden Pavillion, in between the momiji leaves and tree]

[Picture on the right - Myself under a pink tree]
Enjoying the Tides at Ooarai Sun Beach , Mito
It costs us 1,000 yen for parking. The nice thing is that, they provide open-air plain-water shower, so we can rinse salty water from our back before going home. The not so nice thing, we have to walk for 100 metres to get to the beach spot. There are many spots of beach volleyball. And many restaurants . There are also a number of life-saver stations manned by people in orange clothing. It seems that the beach facilities closes at 4.30 pm...
Malisa enjoyed it well. The promise to bring her to a "water-recreation" venue is fulfilled. She seems wanting to go back again, but her ayah says in his heart ... no no no. Mikael was afraid of the waves. But once he familiarised himself with the "float" and the waves, he taught that the sea is his home !
Duhh.. I am amazed with the samurai suit in the fish market.. Hopefully will get it one before I go home to Malaysia. It will cost, a minimum of RM 650.00 and with the katana sword.. it will be a perfect japan memorabilia.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Getting Help on Excel VBA Programming from Web Community
Here is a tip to solve programming problems . Discuss the problem in this website. (
Indeed, information technology revolution is a catalyst for productivity. Most of the solution cant be obtained from books or internet content, but is within the "thinking cap" of the internet surfer.
Good net-ethics and "online interpersonal skill" will surely help us in our hour of needs.